Avalon Bay at Mission Bay - 255 King Street - San Francisco, CA
NBA participated in the original design which consisted of three buildings: a 17-story high-rise, a 9-story mid-rise, and a 5-story low rise with subterranean parking totaling about 424,000 sq. ft. Due to budget issues and market conditions only the high rise has been built so far. NBA Engineering’s responsibilities included: electrical design, power, lighting, emergency power, and fire alarm systems. Also, provided Title 24 energy calculations for building envelope, HVAC and lighting, performance specifications, calculations to determine required capacity of power, and provisions for security and telecom systems. This was a design build project. HVAC and plumbing was done by others. “In 2012, Avalon Bay ranked first among 19 peers by The Global Real Estate Sustainability Bench Marks (GRESB) for full sustainability. Additionally, we were recognized by the National Association of Real Estate Investment Trusts (NAREIT) as a 2012 Leader in the Light, which honors NAREIT member companies that have demonstrated superior sustained energy use practices.” In 2010 this project became a LEED certified building (MBIII).